
Back of the Pack Racing - Colorado is happy to bring on another member of the crew! Stout resides on the "Best" er Western Slope of our fair state with access to some of the best riding around. (Moore Fun anyone?)  He's a firm follower of the BPR-CO charter (gears make rocks easier, rocks are fun, therefore... And suspension! And a dropper!) but also likes the simplicity of the one gear.

A Black Sheep in action
How do we know Stout? Well, honestly Leader is merely a Facebook friend (so we have to be the closest, bestest of friends possible, right?) - the in person meeting has yet to happen. But when it comes to the Crew, we take the good word of The Philosofizer very seriously. Stout comes on the recommendation of The Philosofizer following many miles of pedaling and pushing in the wilds of Alaska. And who knows what else... Those bivy stops were long and it was dark and cold....

But anyway! There will be a Best Slope chapter gathering soon I'm sure...

Here's Stout's bio in his own words:
On the trail... The Iditarod Trail Invitational!
Is a connoisseur of all things bike, except for ebikes, he doesn’t have time for those abominations. Connoisseur is an awfully big word for such a simple guy which is why he had to google it.  He often thinks life should be as simple as eating, sleeping and riding bikes. He is a conflicted soul who splits his time between a rigid single speed Black Sheep and a plastic geared sussy, unless it’s on snow then the Black Sheep pulls double duty as geared snow crushing backpacking machine. A native Coloradoan who escaped the Front Range to blissfully live on the Western Slope in a small town with three (to many) stop lights.


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