Chapter Crew

Chapter Leader AKA Tracy
Approved for Gears and Full Squish by the Founding Fathers, The Leader is the somewhat, sometimes organized Organizer of the controlled Chaos that is the Colorado Chapter. If it comes to food and racing, the organizational skills skyrocket. The only time you'll find her on a bike without suspension is during the Fat Bike races - and even then she's rocking the dropper
The Leader will cheer you on during the race, but stare you down in camp. Seriously serious about everything, with tendencies to over pack food for even an hour ride.

The Leader, for once not fully loaded with food

Pit Boss
He rules the racing Pit with an iron fist. If you are hanging with the Colorado Chapter during any 12 or 24 hour race, you will be subjected to his rules and direction. Don't try to hide from the Pit Boss... He will keep you going through the night with his own, unique sense of humor. And that's when he's racing Duo with Chapter Leader. When he's manning the Pit, there is no slacking. And when he's racing, he's a full suspensioned, dropper posted manic with one gear. There is a fondness for Functional Clothes and Glutard Cake whenever riding a bike.
Pit Boss maintains his state of preparedness on any ride. Broken cable? Ask the Pit Boss. Derailur hanger? I'm sure there's a spare in one of the man purses on his bike.

Pit Boss, doing his thing - fixing the Leader's bike

Teach AKA Drew
The nickname is self explanatory; Teach is a 4th grade teacher and is one of the originators of the BPR Tall Boy Ride.  With some racing under his belt, Teach spends most of his time now pondering about multi-day bikepacking trips or teaching kids how to ride mountain bike trails.  Teach has been a long supporter of the Single Speed culture and is currently saving his pennies for another custom frame.  His Victoria Cycles Frame has treated him well for the past six years, but it is time for an upgrade.  This time the frame will be built for 29er+ tires, a dropper post and a suspension fork. 

Teach, pondering the meaning of the World

The Old Guy AKA Matt
Profile Coming Soon

The Old Guy in mid Rebel Yell, showing that you don't need functional clothes to be fast.

Stick AKA Kelly
Stick sprouted from the Virginia forests and is a roaming Gnome.  She lives in the dirt and is a creature of her own kind.  She’s raced 24 Solo and has proved a quick study in all things bike-packing related. Except for that stick incident… But that’s for her to explain if she chooses. Stick has sprowted wings, traveling to NZ for adventures and in now residing in RVA. But she will aways be a member of the Colorado Chapter

Stick - surveying the journey during her NZ adventure

Flounder AKA Duane
While he might know more people in charge of rockets and planes then any one of us, Flounder is pretty down to earth. He can't even fly, although he's tried many times off the rocks of Palmer Park. He has been known to grill up a mighty fine steak during chapter meetings and to ensure that the Adult Beverages are finished prior to departing the Spot. There may also be some corruption of young minds, as he raises them into the Alternate Reality BPR embraces. While Flounder has since relocated to an un-named location, we will always claim him as a BPR-CO member
Flounder, showing once again that fat bikes are fun

Stout AKA Jim
Is a connoisseur of all things bike, except for ebikes, he doesn’t have time for those abominations. Connoisseur is an awfully big word for such a simple guy which is why he had to google it.  He often thinks life should be as simple as eating, sleeping and riding bikes. He is a conflicted soul who splits his time between a rigid single speed Black Sheep and a plastic geared sussy, unless it’s on snow then the Black Sheep pulls double duty as geared snow crushing backpacking machine. A native Coloradoan who escaped the Front Range to blissfully live on the Western Slope in a small town with three (to many) stop lights.
Stout, putting down the miles at the ITI 300

Coming soon!!


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